Data is new Gold!! Permission is new Currency!!

User Data is the new gold!! Permission is the new currency!!

Vijay S
2 min readMar 20, 2021


The Digital space is meant to be virtual where the entire world is connected beyond what it can. The digital identities are growing day by day. The Digital Space with virtually connected identities will form the future world which does not have any boundaries.

Digital Space / World Everyday more than a billion identities are newly created in the digital world. Knowingly or unknowingly every living organism will have a space in the digital world. Humans will play a dominant role in the space.

Data the new gold — The digital space with full of virtual identities will be the market for tons of Data. Every data of the individual matters. The new gold of the digital era is the Data. The Data in form the individual person details, events about what the person do in digital space is tracked and used for various business reasons. With the fade of Browser cookies, the first party data is going to be the key for every business to acquire and retain their user / customer. The virtual gold mine with tons of user data each organization has will define the future of the organization.

Permission is the New currency — Every touchpoint in digital space will be very curious to collect the Data of / from user by seeking permission. The User should be very careful in allowing sharing of his/her data to the digital space. It is new currency through which the user will enable million of digital business to start tracking user data. The Permission is the new currency though which the exchange of goods or services takes place.

Privacy is a big concern — With the new currency and new gold the users privacy will become growing concern. Every individual in Digital Space should be very careful in defining, permitting and handling their privacy as once sold in exchange for currency will be out in digital space.

As an individual, always be careful in allowing the digital business to track your identity and be mindful in sharing any personal data.



Vijay S

IT visionary focus on digital transformation of organization, strong believer of breaking legacy is the way for organization growth