The Secret Recipe from Technology for Organization Growth

Vijay S
2 min readFeb 27, 2021



Every Organization looking for long term growth should have a secret recipe that will drive the growth. The Secret recipe could be the USP on the Product / Service or in the making process

Organization with vision in this digital era — Have to adopt to the digital space and start building their own IT Strategy that will be the key enabler. The Technology either owned by the company or outsourced in terms of tools or services still should have to build a clear path for the business to grow.

IT Strategy or Digital Strategy — Do the organization have to build a separate IT Strategy and a Digital Strategy? The answer is both should go hand in hand. Either for non technology driven Organization or for technology driven organization building the Digital Strategy should be made possible with the right IT Strategy in place. The Digital strategy with a separate IT Strategy are always going to be the scenario of riding 2 horses at the same time.

Technology to Integrate the system — The Technology is the key integrator of the system, Product, Service, customer, process, B2B, B2C. Right choice of technology that integrates across all the eco-system seamlessly in line of business. Disjointed system will lead to leakage in the business leading to multiple challenges for growth. The Data from all the integrated system should flow like smooth stream of water without any leakage.

Secret Recipe — from Technology for the organization with integrated system is Right representation and Interpretation of Data. The amount of data organization gather is useful only if right representation and right interpretation is made. Technology should enable to capture all the events and right events are part of the data lifecycle. The growing organization makes this as a continual process and the organization which misses to do this will fade over a period of time.



Vijay S

IT visionary focus on digital transformation of organization, strong believer of breaking legacy is the way for organization growth