Is IT just a cost center?

Vijay S
2 min readFeb 17, 2021


Thought Leadership thinks IT different

Usual Leadership: The Organizations have started their FY budgeting exercise where cost and revenue are mapped. The Sales team would have started defining their x% increased revenue targets. While defining the cost the usual leaders start factoring their spend across the business units. One of the important pie in the cost is the spend on Information Technology (IT) Systems which will be factored as Cost Center.

Is IT a Cost Center: Every organization is working towards growth in terms of increased revenue, newer line of service or product, improved customer experience, improved brand awareness, increase market share, maximize investors interest, etc., With the current digital expansion every user is digitally connected one or more multiple ways and no organization can avoid their digital footprints and mandate the growth strategy defines both offline and online customers. With almost 80% of Indian users are connected digitally with one more multiple channels every organization is trying to have a unique space in digital. With this growing digital market the organization may lose their space if they still say IT is a Cost center.

Thought leadership: As said by Mahatma Gandhiji “Customer is King” the business leaders should work to stay with the customer, observe them and cater the service or product in the right time. Staying with customer is made possible with the online channel, which is a new creature which had transformed every brick and motor company to build their online capability and keep expanding. The leaders understood about their customer and online had become part of their growth channel which is made possible by IT is a new arm.

The digital business, omnichannel presence are enabled various streams of IT starting from the ecommerce to capture online market, the backend servers, Multi Cloud Strategy, the Hybrid cloud technologies not just to store the high volume of data as Datalakes but also build future business solutions through the Big Data, AI Engines which feds to ML techniques and Deep Learnings brings the right product /service to customer in hand on time with the price they can offer, experience through the Digital marketing techniques.

IT is a key business enabler: The days and the digital era is built, nurtured and grown by the IT and it no more a Cost Center but is a Revenue enabler, growth enabler, cost reducer, optimizer and many more dimensions. The Thought leader invest in the right Technology, keep running multiple experiments to get the right growth strategy built. The Organizations need not be Technology driven organization, however the through leader is one who enables the organization growth with right technology.



Vijay S

IT visionary focus on digital transformation of organization, strong believer of breaking legacy is the way for organization growth