How to develop and optimize an app for sustainable business growth? Part 1

Vijay S
3 min readJul 29, 2021


Mobile application plays significant role in digital space. Every Single, Small, Medium and Large organization has a presence in the digital space looking for business growth. The Ecosystem we discuss is centric to the app and excluding the external campaigns for app installs. Positing the application for targeted user in the digital space is key to success. The success of an app in mainly defined by

  1. How the app attracts new users? This is called new user acquisition
  2. How the app engage existing users? This is called Retention
  3. How the app dynamically leads to monetization? Monetization

In this 1st read we will discuss in detail on what are key areas an app should have to attract new users

Seamless onboarding — Once the user installs the app, the onboarding of the user into the app should be simple and seamless. Do not ask user to input multiple information during onboarding. The onboarding should be seamless and intuitive for users to make it in few touch, swipe, and scroll options with very limited input fields.

Welcome the user with a surprise — By the end of onboarding with the tool tip option end with a surprise to user in line to the core service the app is tend to provide.
Example — if the app core service is eBooks selling and reading, provide the user some credits with which the user can download a book of his choice and read it for free.

Transparent on the Privacy and data tracking — Upfront the app should tell the user on the list of data tracked and the purpose it is tracked to how it is going to help user to meet his/her objective through this app in line to the core service it i tend to provide. Also give the options to user to opt out.

Later to encourage and keep the user new user engaged follow below

Allow the user to start gamification — In line to the core line of service, allow the user to participate for the gamification journey by setting realistic goals with a timeline. The App should be flexible to user preference on setting the goal and tracking the same with simplified tasks.

Be transparent in tracking progress of gamification — Track the user and show progress in the gamification journey with realistic and achievable milestone. Share the achievement of the milestone to user with a positive communications, encouraging user design, interface and experience.

Be balanced on encouraging the new user to achieve goals — Not all users will be happy to see the notifications or reminders to achieve their goal, mind that they are new and high risk the reminders or notifications may frustrate them leading to uninstall. Always be balance on how, when to reach them with motivating and positive communication. Even the user did not respond; define a balanced frequency gap in reaching back the user.

Social Sharing — Give the option for the user to share their achievements towards the goal in line to the core service in the app to share in social of their choice and allow them to invite his circle and participate in celebrating the achievement and building the journey together across.

I pause here and wait to hear back your comments before I share my next read on how to engage existing active users.



Vijay S

IT visionary focus on digital transformation of organization, strong believer of breaking legacy is the way for organization growth